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豆科三属八种植物的核型及rDNA定位研究   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:5  
对豆科槐属的国槐(SophorajaponicaL.)、五叶槐(S.japonicaL.f.oligophyllaFranch.)、龙爪槐(S.japonicaL.f·pendulaLoud.)、黄金槐(S.xanthanthaC.Y.Ma.)(以上均为四倍体,2n=4x=28)、红花槐(S.rubrifloraTsoong.,2n=3x=21),刺槐属的刺槐(Robiniapseudoa-caciaL.,2n=2x=22)、毛洋槐(R.hispidaL.,2n=2x=30)和紫穗槐属的紫穗槐(AmorphafruticosaL.,2n=2x=40)核型进行了分析,并应用荧光原位杂交技术进行了45SrDNA的染色体定位。槐属4个四倍体种各具4个45SrDNA位点,位于两对染色体的着丝粒周围;红花槐,3个45SrDNA位点位于第5组染色体随体区域。刺槐,4个rDNA位点位于两对随体染色体端部;毛洋槐,8个rDNA位点,4个位于两对染色体的随体及次缢痕,另4个位于两对染色体着丝粒周围。紫穗槐,6个45SrDNA位点,分别位于3对染色体的着丝粒和随体。本文对rDNA作为染色体标记在核型分析中的应用及在基因组中的分布特点进行了讨论。  相似文献   
以极东锦鸡儿未成熟合子胚子叶为外植体进行其体细胞胚胎发生和植株再生研究。在添加不同BA与NAA或2,4-D,外加500mg·L~(-1)水解酪蛋白、30g·L~(-1)蔗糖和8g·L~(-1)琼脂的MS培养基上诱导产生了体细胞胚。在5mg·L~(-1)NAA+5mg·L~(-1)BA和5mg·L~(-1)2,4-D+1mg·L~(-1)BA处理中体胚诱导率分别为14%和10%;NAA处理每外植体上诱导出的体胚数量最多为4.3个,而2,4-D为10.5个。体细胞胚经成熟培养后,在添加0.01mg·L~(-1)NAA、20g·L~(-1)蔗糖和6g·L~(-1)琼脂的MS培养基上萌发率达到58.94%。萌发的体胚在MS培养基上长成正常小植株,再生率为87%。经炼苗后的体胚苗移植到草炭土:蛭石:珍珠岩=5:4:1(V/V/V)的栽培基质中,可以正常生长,移栽成活率为40%。  相似文献   
Understanding microsite requirements is critical for restoring sustainable rare plant populations and creating meaningful management plans that will enhance native species’ population viability. Natural areas bordered by urban communities have restricted size and constrained management options that confound goals of preserving biodiversity. Using geographical information systems and observational and experimental studies, we determined that current microsites required for seedling establishment within existing habitat of the federally endangered Crenulate leadplant are few and spatially restricted, resulting in little wild seedling recruitment. Experimental and wild seedlings had highest germination rates in litter layers 1–2 cm in depth and survived the longest in litter 0.5–2 cm deep. Fire suppression and aggressive native and exotic plants have accumulated litter up to 33 cm near some of the wild adult Crenulate leadplant. Only 9% of habitat occupied by this taxon at its largest population is conducive to seedling establishment. Similarly, 30% is conducive to seedling establishment in the second largest population. Fire plays a critical role in South Florida ecosystem dynamics and the restoration and preservation of its landscape and biodiversity. When fire is not possible, other management is needed. Manual litter and downed debris removal are recommended at both population sites to improve the probability of Crenulate leadplant seedling establishment and population persistence.  相似文献   
青藏高原的格桑花是什么植物或者说是什么植物的花,存在广泛争议,困扰着想一探究竟的人们。格桑花作为一种精神存在于藏族百姓心中,是他们追求幸福吉祥和美好生活的情感象征,是重要的雪域文化标识,认识熟知并开发利用好它,将有助于推动藏区生态、文化和产业振兴。金露梅是青藏高原分布最广的树木,按集生羽状复叶小叶数可分为5叶金露梅和7叶金露梅,《中国植物志》对它们的记载分别是金露梅(Potentilla fruticosa L.)和小叶金露梅(P.parvifolia Fisch.)。通过对青藏高原植被和历史文化景观考察,结合当地藏民描述及地方传说,本研究认为格桑花就是金露梅,其分布海拔可以拓展到5200 m的高寒恶劣环境。金露梅生性强健,耐寒、耐旱、耐瘠薄、耐强光,象征着藏族同胞刚毅、坚强、勤劳质朴、不畏严寒、生命力顽强的品格。  相似文献   
科尔沁沙地4种植物抗旱性的比较研究   总被引:31,自引:2,他引:29  
对科尔沁沙地小叶锦鸡儿,紫穗槐,差巴嘎蒿和胡枝子4种植物的若干水分生理生态指标进行了测定。结果表明,小叶锦鸡儿具有低水势,高水力和束缚水/自由水比及水分利用效率,抗旱性强;紫穗槐的各项指标与小叶锦鸡儿相反,抗旱性最差;差巴嘎蒿虽然水势较高,但它的持水力高,束缚水/自由水比和水分利用效率都较高,抗旱性也较强,但次于小叶锦鸡儿;胡枝子的水势和持水力较低,束缚水/自由水比及水分利用效率一般,它的抗旱性强于紫穗槐,但比差巴嘎蒿差。  相似文献   
The effect of explant age, plant growth regulators and culture conditions on somatic embryogenesis and rosmarinic acid production from leaf explants of Salvia officinalis and S. fruticosa plants collected in Greece was investigated. Embryogenic callus with numerous spherical somatic embryos could be induced on explants derived from both species and cultured for 3 weeks on a Murashige and Skoog (MS) medium supplemented with 1.8–18 μm 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid (2,4-D) and kinetin (Kin) or 10.5–21 μm 1-naphthalenacetic acid and 6-benzyladenine. Only explants from young plants (with six to eight leaves) responded to the culture treatments and, in general, low light intensities (50 μmol m–2 s–1) favoured callus formation and induction of somatic embryos. Somatic embryos were further developed on the same medium. Heart- and torpedo-shaped embryos (1–2 mm long) were subcultured on a growth-regulator-free MS medium for maturation. Maximum rosmarinic acid accumulation in S. officinalis and S. fruticosa callus cultured on 4.5 μm 2,4-D and 4.5 μm Kin was 25.9 and 29.0 g/l, respectively. Received: 17 January 1997 / Revision received: 26 May 1997 / Accepted: 30 June 1997  相似文献   
Inflorescence effects have been poorly studied, in spite of the functional relevance of the inflorescence in fruit and seed ecology. The present study focused on the effects of inflorescence size and phenology, and flower position within the inflorescence, in relation to fruit and seed production of the Mediterranean shrub Ononis fruticosa. Variability in fruit and seed production, seed weight and germination were estimated and modelled. Results confirmed that the most important predictors in seed production were inflorescence flowering time and flower position within the inflorescence. Thus, the number of mature seeds per fruit was higher in earlier inflorescences and in basal positions. On the other hand, predation was higher in fruits in basal positions. In fact, seed predation seemed to be the most important factor controlling final seed production. Models at the plant level suggested a negative incidence of geitonogamous pollination and resource limitation, which were also observed at the fruit level. This study confirmed the relevance of inflorescence effects on the reproductive output of O. fruticosa. Although the underlying processes could not be identified, our results provide several hypotheses for future experimental studies.  相似文献   
东北锦鸡儿属一新变种──多花极东锦鸡儿谢航,赵毓棠,杨成禄,杨景隆(东北师范大学生物系长春130024)(旺起林场吉林永吉132225)关键词多花极东锦鸡儿ANEWVARIETYOFCARAGANAFROMN.E.CHINA¥XieHang;Zhao...  相似文献   
Recovery of seed germination from NaCl salinity of desert shrubs (Haloxylon recurvum and Suaeda fruticosa, and the herbs Zygophyllum simplex and Triglochin maritima was studied under various thermoperiods. The percentage of ungerminated seeds that recovered when they were transferred to distilled water varied significantly with variation in species and thermoperiods. Zygophyllum simplex had little recovery from all NaCl concentrations in all thermoperiods. Haloxylon recurvum, S. fruticosa, and T. maritima showed substantial recovery. Percentage recovery was highest in S. fruticosa, followed by T. maritima, and H. recurvum. Thermoperiodic effects varied with the species investigated. There was little thermoperodic effect on the percentage recovery of S. fruticosa, except in the higher salinity treatment at higher thermoperiods. Variation in thermoperiod appears to play an important role in recovery of germination of halophytes from salt stress when seeds are transferred to distilled water.  相似文献   
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